
Tuesday, October 9, 2012


El poder comunista en la justicia peruana El reciclaje de los camaradas de VR, el MIR y el PCR bajo el comando de Diego García-Sayán A fines de los años ‘70 e inicios de los ‘80, los camaradas de Vanguardia Revolucionaria (VR), del Partido Comunista Revolucionario (PCR) y del Movimiento de Izquierda Revolucionaria (MIR) comprendieron los límites de su discurso a favor de la lucha armada maoísta o guevarista. Ya no veían a Sendero Luminoso como el aliado del "campo popular", sino que empezaban a tomar distancia, sobre todo cuando en la década crítica de los ‘80 la dinamita, las balas y los coches-bomba dieron alcance a algunos de los dirigentes de la izquierda. El Perú con terrorismo fue terrible. Coches-bomba, los ecos de la dinamita, la guerra interna en los frentes Mantaro, Huallaga y en el mismo escenario capitalino donde operaban el comité metropolitano de Sendero y el sanguinario y asesino grupo Socorro Popular, el desfile macabro de cadáveres, las comunidades asoladas, el atentado último en jirón Tarata de Miraflores (ya en los ‘90), los apagones constantes, el rastro sangriento de una experiencia desconocida por la nueva generación. En ese entonces, entre los activistas de VR, PCR y MIR, que en algún momento se juntarían en el Partido Unificado Mariateguista (PUM), muchos tomaron distancia de esa patología política encabezada por Abimael Guzmán. Pero no lo enfrentaron como era debido, por un sentimiento de culpa: ¿Cómo podían enfrentar a Sendero Luminoso que llevaba a la práctica lo que camaradas como Diego García-Sayán y Carlos Tapia (ambos del MIR), o Ronald Gamarra (un periférico del MRTA), entre muchos otros, habían pregonado en las aulas universitarias y las movilizaciones callejeras: la lucha armada? Enemigos seculares de instituciones como la Fuerza Armada, al no haber cuestionado sin ambigüedades el curso terrorista de la aventura senderista, fueron meros testigos de la batalla que se dio en el terreno de las armas y en muchos casos su actividad abonó a favor de Sendero Luminoso. Y es que para entonces, los viejos partidarios de la lucha armada como el vanguardista Francisco Soberón, ya se estaban reciclando en la temática de los derechos humanos, igual que Sofía Macher y su esposo Hans Landolt, ex militarista en el grupo PCR. Otros como Nicolás Lynch, el popular "Coche bomba" del PCR, a mediados de los años ‘80, proponían con carácter de urgencia desmaoizar dicho PCR en la Universidad de San Marcos. Pero no faltó entre sus camaradas quien le dijera que primero debería desmaoizar su célula que precisamente se llamaba "Mao Tse Tung". Desde ese momento Lynch leerá con fruición el concepto de ciudadanía y descubrirá la teoría de gobernabilidad de Harvard, es decir la izquierdizante, la sucesora del neoconservador Samuel Huntington. El reciclaje Este es el momento del reciclaje de los amigos de Sendero. En efecto, unos virarán al tema de los derechos humanos, que tiene por misión enfrentar a la Fuerza Armada en el nuevo escenario de conflicto (el terreno legal), para lo cual implementarán (en el gobierno de Valentín Paniagua) la Comisión de la Verdad, y controlarán la Defensoría del Pueblo, en especial en el periodo de Walter Albán, también de procedencia roja, no sin antes haber asumido el Ministerio de Justicia con Diego García-Sayán. Para entonces otros habrán implementado grandes ONG como el Instituto de Defensa Legal, de donde procede el camarada Ronald Gamarra; la Comisión Andina de Juristas, de Diego García-Sayán (MIR) y Enrique Bernales Ballesteros (PSR). Luego aparecerá, para completar el círculo, el consorcio Justicia Viva. Un tercer grupo anclará en el tema de la descentralización, capitaneado por Manuel Dammert Ego-Aguirre, Carlos Barnechea Lercari, Rudecindo Vega Zavaleta. Otros primos ideológicos de Abimael Guzmán se instalarán en los temas de la seguridad interna y la temática de la violencia, como los famosos senderólogos encabezados por Carlos Tapia y un conjunto de "analistas políticos" que opinarán principalmente desde periódicos de los que se sirven. No se diga que las ONG han sido impolutas en su gestación y evolución. Fueron muy pragmáticas. Tanto es así que varias de ellas trabajaron con el gobierno de Alberto Fujimori, en especial en el terreno de la administración de justicia y la Academia de la Magistratura, como ha sucedido con la Comisión Andina de Juristas, de Diego García-Sayán. Para muestra, un botón: Abraham Siles Vallejos, de Justicia Viva, ha sido un funcionario PNUD que trabajó en el llamado proceso de Modernización y Reforma del Poder Judicial los años 1997, 1998 y 1999. Pero a la caída de Fujimori y la instauración del gobierno de transición exigieron su cuota de poder básicamente en dos frentes: el control del Ministerio de Justicia y del aparato judicial, a través de procuradores Ad Hoc y una red de fiscales y jueces. Y el copamiento de la millonaria cooperación internacional que por entonces llegaba a 360 millones de dólares anuales. Liberación de terroristas La red de justicia manejada por el poder comunista, empieza allí. La capitanea García-Sayán, quien asume el cargo el 25 de noviembre del 2000. Lo primero que hace el antiguo impulsor de invasiones de tierras en su época guerrillerista es firmar, el mismo día de su asunción al cargo, dos resoluciones con carácter de "estrictamente secreto" (no publicables en El Peruano), sobre conmutación de penas y rebajas de sentencias para liberar a dos terroristas de la cárcel. Una semana después firmará otras once resoluciones supremas, éstas sí publicadas el 2 de diciembre del 2000 en la gaceta oficial, para beneficio de indultos. Tres días después se publicarán otras 8 resoluciones otorgando perdón a igual número de subversivos. Y el 10 de diciembre del 2000 salen a luz otras 10 normas de indulto a condenados por "traición a la patria". En dos semanas García-Sayán indultó a 31 terroristas. Este fue apenas el inicio de su política de "humanización" de los establecimientos penales, de flexibilización carcelaria, en fin de liberación de miles de terroristas. Los cómplices Cuando fuera titular de Justicia, García-Sayán mantuvo a los procuradores Ad Hoc del caso Montesinos contratados por Alberto Fujimori, es decir, José Ugaz y Luis Vargas Valdivia. Pero antes de incorporar a Ronald Gamarra (de la ONG IDL) a la procuraduría, en asuntos de derechos humanos, convocó a Javier Ciurlizza Contreras como jefe del gabinete de asesores del Ministerio de Justicia y el 16 de enero del 2001 lo nombró presidente de la Comisión de Indultos, derecho de gracia y conmutación de penas para los casos de terrorismo. Quienes conocen el pasado de Ciurlizza afirman que militó en la filas del PCR. No olvidemos que es el mismo personaje de los famosos audios Ciurlizza, quien fue a negociar y/o conferenciar a la Base Naval con los cabecillas de Sendero Luminoso y del MRTA varios puntos de agenda, como la famosa flexibilización carcelaria, y la misma composición de la Comisión de la Verdad, de la cual posteriormente Ciurlizza habría de ser secretario ejecutivo. Ultimamente se afirma que García-Sayán ha implantado a Ciurlizza en Relaciones Exteriores. Otro integrante de la maquinaria comunista en justicia ha sido Iván Bazán Chacón, de la ONG Fedepaz (Fundación Ecuménica para el Desarrollo y la Paz). Fue el primer secretario ejecutivo del Consejo Nacional de Derechos Humanos y Conmutación de Penas. Esta red mantuvo en la procuraduría Ad Hoc a José Ugaz, de la ONG Proética y a su socio Luis Vargas Valdivia. Pero lo reforzó con Ronald Gamarra, cuyo historial es bien conocido, no solo en las aulas de San Marcos, sino como activista de Pueblo en Marcha que, junto a la Unidad Democrática Popular de Cecilia Oviedo, hoy exiliada en México, eran el brazo legal del MRTA. El fundamentalismo de Gamarra y su actitud carcelera para con los militares y policías acusados de presuntos delitos de violación de derechos humanos tiene pues este ingrediente. Y lo ha dicho en más de una oportunidad: no es imparcial. Y tiene muchas razones para no serlo, como se demostrará si es necesario. No obstante que el gobierno de Alejandro Toledo ha tomado debida nota del juego propio en que estaban inmersos estos personajes que usaban sus cargos y la política anticorrupción para sus venganzas político-ideológicas, el nuevo procurador formó parte de la misma vertiente: Antonio Maldonado también fue militante del Partido Comunista Revolucionario (PCR). Y las mismas circunstancias se dan en el Ministerio Público, donde ejerce el poder comunista el hoy fiscal supremo Pablo Sánchez Velarde, que también fuera del PCR en las aulas sanmarquinas. En el Poder Judicial el máximo exponente de la famosa red es el vocal supremo César San Martín Castro, socio del estudio Ugaz, que es el principal estudio jurídico del poder comunista en la Justicia, y teórico de buena parte de la legislación antigarantista en materia anticorrupción. Es el creador de la figura jurídica de "complicidad en peculado" que ha servido para encarcelar a los enemigos políticos de la izquierda caviar y a los fujimoristas. El grupo reciclado de los camaradas tiene además sus tontos útiles y sus clientes en la Judicatura. Entre los primeros está obviamente Valentín Paniagua Corazao. Para algunos también podría estar en esta categoría Juan Jiménez Mayor, ex viceministro de Justicia y asesor del Ceriajus. El poder comunista en la Justicia, en especial del IDL y Justicia Viva, se dice que han sometido a prebendas académicas, sociales y de promoción mediática de sus causas a varias magistradas anticorrupción: Inés Felipa Villa Bonilla, Inés Tello Valcárcel de Ñecco, Hilda Cecilia Piedra Rojas, Araceli Baca cabrera, Susana Inés Castañeda Otsu, Carlos Ventura Cueva y Saúl Peña Farfán. En el área administrativa estuvo en la secretaría técnica del Poder Judicial la abogada Rosa Mavila León, ex dirigente del PCR, precisamente en el periodo en que fuera presidente de la Corte Suprema el doctor Hugo Sibina Hurtado. En las ONG operan los siguientes personajes de ideología comunista: -Ernesto de la Jara, ex PCR y actual director general del Consorcio Justicia Viva y también alto directivo del IDL. -David Lovatón Palacios, director general del IDL. -Abraham Siles Vallejos, coordinador general de Justicia Viva. -Carlos Rivera Paz, ex PUM, coordinador legal de Justicia Viva. Otros personajes gravitantes son: -Gino Costa, ex militante del Partido Socialista Revolucionario (PSR) y ex viceministro de Justicia y ministro del Interior. -Francisco Soberón, ex VR y de la ONG Aprodeh. -Sofía Macher (Coordinadora Nacional de Derechos Humanos). -Miguel Jugo También están implicados en la organización Ernesto Cáceres, ex secretario general del PUM y Miguel Huerta Rodrigo, Hay mucho de cierto en este mensaje, pero si sumas uno mas uno, son todos abogados de la Catolica. Muchos de muy buena familia, pero te faltan muchos mas, como todo el equipo de produccion de Monos y Monadas, el cineasta Lombardi y todos los cineastas peruanos, la gente que alguna vez ocupo alguna posicion legal o econóica en el CONAPS, FONAPS, COFIDE, Propiedad Social, Asociación de Artistas Aficionados, etc., etc., CARE, los Médicos sin Fronteras (donde trabajé), cantantes, todos los que en este momento desde Peru apoyan a Obama y Chavez. No podemos ir x alli echándoles la culpa x que nos quedamos sin aliados ni gente a quien nombrar. Lo que mas bien se debería hacer es demostrar que viven mejor que el mas grande de lo que ellos llaman "oligarca", que romperse trabajando para alcanzar una posición holgada no tienen nada malo, pero si no se rompen trabajando hacerlos ver x esas 'masas' a las que dicen defender. Conozco a casi todos los nombrados mas la gente de Canal 7, de RPP, las agencias de noticias, etc... pues trabajé con Hernando de Soto en el ILD en los 80s. Acusándolos asi abiertamente, no nos llevará a conseguir nada. Hay que pensar estratégicamente para actuar inteligentemente Saludos, T.M.X

Sunday, October 7, 2012



" ISLAMIC RADICALS intended to mimic and blend with the South Americans for its great resemblance of the mixture of races in Latin America , remember the moores (arabs) invaded Spain and stayed there for 500 years until "El Cid" Rodrigo Diaz de Vivar expelled them on a epic war, this was even made into a movies featuring the great late actor Charles Heston...many arabs with similar traits and characteristics could  infiltrate that way as they have done in the USA in the UK, Spain and other countries have been easily mimnmetized for  terrorist attacks in their crazy war against the West  the never ending Jihad still in course and we the West need to be in full alert about it therefore the government should be very careful with the approach of the Arab world to Peru
 strategic center also coveted by the communists like Castro and Chavez who are feeding their revolution Socialist organizations linked to terrorism in Colombia , Peru and others.
The last month Chavez was alive he had very close ties with the extremists and terrorists who hate everything is American and for  months  were visiting Chavez to buy uranium , essential material for nuclear fusion and preparation of atomic bombs, which is totally condemned and rejected by the countries of the North Atlantic Treaty since the pretense of Iran has been declaring populi Voice war on Christianity to Judaism and countries are "infidels" to them  thi has absolute concern since the war has just begun with Syria Turkey is well known as the antisemitic .Chavez and his socialist partners from Cuba  have been feeding the war machine with oil Syria . In early Syrian leader and Iran were with Chavez for a secret pact . As you know Chavez and the FARC are also partners with Fidel Castro and  these thugs hate the USA and come by to , you organizing against the neighboring country to the point that the U.S. Pentagon chief has traveled to Peru a week later this year by various concerns. Moreover in the beginning of Peru's new administration there where close ties and ideological simpathies with Peru's new president and at the biginning of the new government of Peru  the Arabs visited and the Government made close ties with them under the "investment of the rich Arab califas"who is paralyzed the city of Lima to cater a free facelift for the Arab visitors  the Arab world felt at home in Peru because the administration practice its finest diplomacy ever seen, in my opinion it  is a shame that politicians in Peru are so stupid, or just plane ingnorant, either they don't know what's going on or there is some suspicious trade involved, who knows what the real stoy is, but it doesn´t look good, with the escuse of investing major bucks in Peru probably there are more issues cooking under the table, people in the streets some of them so ignorant that ate the story that they want to invest in Peru the idiots in the administration have paralyzed the city four days and they have provided better security to the camel jocks  than their own citizens , we have to unite and make them see the Islamic extremists could be infiltrating among the Arab real investors, Peru must wake up BEFORE IT'S TOO LATE ! ! It looks kind of fishy and I hope the Pentagon chief needs travel to Lima and make shure this wont be a threat to Peru, the USA and all countires in the American hemisphere 
"los RADICALES ISLAMICOS pretenden mimetizarse con los sudamericanos por su gran parecido físico con la mezcla de razas en latinoamericana, muchos con características y rasgos similares de esa manera infiltrarse como lo han hecho en USA en Reino Unido, España y otros países donde fácilmente han realizado ataques terroristas en su guerra Jihad en contra del Occidente por ello el gobierno debe tener sumo cuidado con el acercamiento del mundo Árabe al Perú
 centro estratégico también codiciado por los comunistas como Castro y Chavez quienes están alimentando su revolución Socialista de organismos vinculados al terrorismo en Colombia, Perú entre otros.
 El mes antepasado estuvieron visitando a Chavez para comprar Uranio, material indispensable para la fusión nuclear y preparación de bombas atómicas, lo cual es totalmente condenado y rechazado por los países del Tratado del Atlántico Norte puesto que la pretencion de Iran ha sido a voz populi declarandole la guerra al Cristianismo al Judaísmo y a los países que les sean INFIDELES Son pues motivo de preocupación absoluta puesto que acaba de iniciarse la guerra de Turquía con Siria como ya se sabe perfectamente los Venezolanos del antisemita Chavez han estado alimentando la maquinaria de guerra Siria con petroleo. A inicios del año el líder sirio y de Irán estuvieron con Chavez para un pacto secreto. Como ya se sabe Chavez y el FARC son socios asimismo con Fidel Castro y detestan a los EEUU y vienen por a;os organizándose en contra de el país vecino hasta el punto que el Jefe del Pentágono de USA ha viajado una semana después al Perú por diversas preocupaciones de el nuevo gobierno del Perú quien esta paralizando la ciudad para el mundo Arabe Es una vergüenza que los políticos en el Perú que se comieron el cuento de que quieren invertir han paralizado la ciudad 4 días y les han brindado mejor seguridad que a sus propios ciudadanos o son muy IMBÉCILES o IGNORANTES tenemos que unirnos y hacerle ver a los políticos que DESPIERTEN CARAJO cuidado que LOS ESTÁN AGARRANDO DE lornas y LO QUE QUIEREN los Islámicos extremistas ES INVOLUCRARLOS poco a poco Y NI SE DAN CUENTA.... PERÚ DESPIERTA COÑO!!!!! ANTES QUE SEA DEMASIADO TARDE!!!! Como sera de peligrosa que el jefe del Pentágono viajo urgentemente a Lima el Viernes"


The Macusani East project contains 53 known uranium anomalies discovered in the 1970s by the Peruvian Institute of Nuclear Energy ("IPEN") and consists of 72 concessions covering 47,820 hectares.
Size/Location: The Macusani East project consists of 72 concessions covering 47,820 hectares. Southern Andes Energy's 50% portion of the JV covers 21,660 hectares plus an additional 4,500 hectares that are 100% owned by Southern Andes Energy. It is situated within the Province of Carabay, Department of Puno, in south-eastern Peru, and lies within the relatively flat Altiplano of the Eastern Cordillera. The area is approximately 650 kilometres southeast of Lima. Access is by paved road on the TransOceanic highway from the City of Juliaca to the town of Macusani (approximately 200 kilometres). The climate in the region is semi-arid.
History: The Macusani East area is the most studied area in southern Peru by IPEN. After IPEN discovered the first 60 uranium showings in 1978, systematic radiometric prospecting and trenching were carried out over an area of approximately 600 square kilometres, culminating in the discovery of numerous additional uranium showings. In 1984, the OECD Nuclear Energy Agency and the International Atomic Energy Agency sponsored an International Uranium Resources Evaluation Project Mission to Peru. The mission estimated that the Speculative Resources of the country fell within the range of 6,000 to 11,000 tonnes of uranium. For the complete Summary Report, please click here. Southern Andes Energy has acquired the largest interest in claims covering the ground studied by IPEN.
Geology/Mineralization: Uranium mineralization consists primarily of secondary yellow to greenish yellow uranium minerals (such as coffinite, autunite, tyuyamunite and carnotite) hosted in outcropping Pliocene ignimbrite flows. Typical occurrences consist of fracture-coated secondary (yellow) uranium oriented in all directions. Disseminated yellow grains are also present and extend at least 10 cm to 15 cm into the wall rocks. A bottle roll leach test conducted in August 2006 on assays from one of the targets returned high recovery levels of 99.4% after 16 days using a mild acid solution.
Exploration: The JV completed 27,600 metres of drilling at the Macusani East project from 2006 to 2008 to test the seven initial uranium targets identified by the IPEN in the 1970s. The targets at Macusani East include Calvario I, Calvario II, Calvario III, Puncopata, Agaton, Sayaña West and Sayaña Central.
At Puncopata, high grade mineralization was intersected in 2008, and the drilling results suggested that the mineralization may have roots deeper than previously interpreted. The next phase of planned exploration at the Puncopata target will include detailed mapping and surface pit and trench sampling in order to better understand the control of the mineralization, in particular where high grade shoots have been intersected.
Drill results from Sayaña Central demonstrate continuity of mineralization over a wide area, which positions the anomaly as a top priority target for Southern Andes Energy. Drilling covered an area of approximately 800 metres by 400 metres with the anomaly still open on strike. An NI 43-101 report is planned during 2009 to define an inferred resource once the work previously completed is fully analyzed and the additional work needed for such a report defined.


In December 2006, an extensive 20,000-metre shallow diamond drill program commenced on the Macusani East uranium project on an initial seven drill targets where previous prospecting indicated significant anomalies of uranium mineralization on surface. So far, drilling has been completed on five targets. Progress to date:




  • A total of 72 holes were completed totalling 3,980 metres.
  • The results of drilling completed at Calvario I have yielded several (36 intercepts/ 64 holes) significant mineralized intercepts varying from 100 ppm U3O8 / 1 m to 0.10% U3O8 over 11 m which, in 2007, triggered the completion of an internal resource estimate by Fontier Pacific. This estimate, which is non compliant to the 43-101 rule stands at 2.3 M tons at an average grade of 0.029% U3O8 with a lower cut off at 100 ppm U3O8. Southern Andes will review the whole database of the project is order to validate the geological model used for this resource estimate.
  • Uranium encountered from zero to 30 metres depth.
  • Calvario I Full Drill Report (PDF)


  • A total of 52 holes were completed totalling 2,298 metres.
  • The drilling results done at Agaton were generally of low grade but 57 drill intercepts show values greater than 100 ppm U3O8 over 1-2 meters interval. Indeed, the only intercept of economic interest (ore grade over minable width) came from hole AG06-06 which returned 10 m at 1199 ppm U3O8 or 0.12% from 5.52 to 10.52.
  • No further work is planned at this time.


  • A total of 34 holes were completed totalling 2,243 metres.
  • The drilling program yielded several short mineralized intervals associated to autonite-coating discontinuous fracture filling. Only seven mineralized intercepts returned values > 300 ppm U3O8 over 1m sample interval and 35 out of the 1954 samples that were assayed have returned U3O8 values above 100 ppm. The best mineralized intercept of the program came from hole SW07-26 which returned a 841ppm U3O8 / 0.8 m. There is no or little correlation between the most significant mineralized intercepts and the radiometric anomaly.
  • No further drilling is recommended on this project.
  • Sayaña West Full Drill report (PDF)


  • A total of 87 holes were completed totalling 8,464 metres.
  • The results of drilling at the Sayaña Central yielded several significant mineralized intercepts varying from 100 ppm U3O8 / 1 m to 0.12% U3O8 over 6 m which triggered the completion of an internal resource estimate by Frontier Pacific in 2007. This estimate, which is non compliant to the 43-101 standard stands at 4.3 M tonnes at an average grade of 0.020% U3O8 with a lower cut off at 100 ppm U3O8. Some interesting observations can be drawn from the mineralized intercepts obtained in these drilling programs:
    • Mineralization not only occurs within one specific layer;
    • Mineralization is not restricted to sub surface unit;
    • 5% of all samples collected during the drilling program (426 out of 8551 samples) returned uranium values greaten than 100 ppm U3O8.
  • An exhaustive review on this project is currently underway as this project hosts 40% of the resources estimate done by Frontier in 2007. This review will again focus on the structural features controlling the mineralization in order to improve the geological model used for the resource estimate. Still, several high grades intercepts remain open for follow-up.
  • Sayaña Central Full Drill Report (PDF)


  • A total of 32 holes were drilled totalling 2,720 metres.
  • The results of the Puncopata drilling programs have yielded several intercepts with significant uranium values ranging from > 100 ppm U3O8 / 1 m to spectacular grades as 3323 ppm U3O8 / 9 m including an interval of 2.68% / 1m.
  • Uranium encountered from 15 metres to 78 metre depths.
  • Puncopata Full Drill Report (PDF)


  • A total of 32 holes were drilled totalling 2,434 metres.
  • Results confirm presence of a near-surface ignimbrite volcanic flow with an average grade of 0.01% U3O8 (0.21 lb per short ton) over the stratigraphic thickness of 3.0 metres over a 200-metre-by-150 metre area.
  • Drilling covered 12% of the total size of the radiometric anomaly, which measures 700 metres by 350 metres.
  • Calvario II Full Drill Report (PDF)

Macusani multiplies resource count at Peruvian uranium properties

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VANCOUVER – A new estimate for Macusani Yellowcake's (TSXV: YEL) suite of uranium properties on the Macusani Plateau in southeastern Peru has boosted the resource count by 167% in advance of a preliminary economic assessment (PEA) due out shortly.
Macusani's Peruvian projects are adjoining land packages that together cover roughly 900 sq. km. Since they are in close proximity and will all be considered as potential feedstocks for a regional mining scenario, Macusani included all four projects – encompassing six deposits – in its latest resource update.
That update boosted the measured and indicated resource count across those properties by 167% compared to previous estimates, while also maintaining the inferred count. Based on a 0.075% U3O8 cut-off grade, Macusani's properties now host 47.9 million measured and indicated tonnes grading 0.0253% U3O8 plus 40.5 million inferred tonnes averaging 0.0286% U3O8.
Macusani CEO Laurence Stefan says the new resource "… allows us to consider a much larger uranium production scenario" than previously contemplated for the upcoming PEA, which Macusani expects to release within the next few months.
The Kihitian project is on the east side of Macusani's land package and hosts two deposits. Chilcuno comprises two distinct zones that both outcrop but are separated by 100 metres of barren rhyolite. The other deposit, Quebrada Blanca, hosts one zone. The Kihitian deposits carrying the highest grades on Macusani's ground to date, with their resources adding up to 8.4 million measured and indicated tonnes grading 0.0635% U3O8 plus 12.8 million inferred tonnes averaging 0.0615% U3O8.
Approximately 5 km to the southwest sits the Colibri 2 & 3 and Tupuramani projects, which host similar, adjacent deposits. Both deposits are made up of sub-horizontal, near-surface zones of high-grade mineralization, extending to 35 metres depth at Tupuramani and 50 metre depth at Colobri 2 & 3. These deposits are the company's largest, totaling 27.9 million measured and indicated tonnes grading 0.024% U3O8 and 20.4 million inferred tonnes averaging 0.017% U3O8.
Northwest of Tupuramani another few kilometers is Triunfador. The two deposits at Triunfador are both made up of stacked discrete near-horizontal zones. Having seen the least exploration the Triunfador deposits are still small, totaling 3.5 million inferred tonnes at an average grade of 0.0409% U3O8.
Macusani's properties are close to infrastructure. A major highway runs through the company's land package and there is readily available water and power.
Its share price remained unchanged at 7¢ on news of the updated resource. The company has a 52-week share price range of 5.5¢ to 17.5¢ and has 159 million shares outstanding. 
 - See more at:

Saudi nuclear weapons 'on order' from Pakistan

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Saudi Arabia has invested in Pakistani nuclear weapons projects, and believes it could obtain atomic bombs at will, a variety of sources have told BBC Newsnight.
While the kingdom's quest has often been set in the context of countering Iran's atomic programme, it is now possible that the Saudis might be able to deploy such devices more quickly than the Islamic republic.
Earlier this year, a senior Nato decision maker told me that he had seen intelligence reporting that nuclear weapons made in Pakistan on behalf of Saudi Arabia are now sitting ready for delivery.
Last month Amos Yadlin, a former head of Israeli military intelligence, told a conference in Sweden that if Iran got the bomb, "the Saudis will not wait one month. They already paid for the bomb, they will go to Pakistan and bring what they need to bring."
Since 2009, when King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia warned visiting US special envoy to the Middle East Dennis Ross that if Iran crossed the threshold, "we will get nuclear weapons", the kingdom has sent the Americans numerous signals of its intentions.
Gary Samore, until March 2013 President Barack Obama's counter-proliferation adviser, has told Newsnight:
Gary SamoreGary Samore served as President Barack Obama's WMD tsar
"I do think that the Saudis believe that they have some understanding with Pakistan that, in extremis, they would have claim to acquire nuclear weapons from Pakistan."

Start Quote

What did we think the Saudis were giving us all that money for? It wasn't charity”
Senior Pakistani official
The story of Saudi Arabia's project - including the acquisition of missiles capable of delivering nuclear warheads over long ranges - goes back decades.
In the late 1980s they secretly bought dozens of CSS-2 ballistic missiles from China.
These rockets, considered by many experts too inaccurate for use as conventional weapons, were deployed 20 years ago.
This summer experts at defence publishers Jane's reported the completion of a new Saudi CSS-2 base with missile launch rails aligned with Israel and Iran.
It has also been clear for many years that Saudi Arabia has given generous financial assistance to Pakistan's defence sector, including, western experts allege, to its missile and nuclear labs.
Visits by the then Saudi defence minister Prince Sultan bin Abdulaziz al Saud to the Pakistani nuclear research centre in 1999 and 2002 underlined the closeness of the defence relationship.
Saudi Arabia’s undisclosed missile siteDefence publisher Jane’s revealed the existence of Saudi Arabia’s third and undisclosed intermediate-range ballistic missile site, approximately 200 km southwest of Riyadh
In its quest for a strategic deterrent against India, Pakistan co-operated closely with China which sold them missiles and provided the design for a nuclear warhead.
The Pakistani scientist Abdul Qadeer Khan was accused by western intelligence agencies of selling atomic know-how and uranium enrichment centrifuges to Libya and North Korea.
AQ Khan is also believed to have passed the Chinese nuclear weapon design to those countries. This blueprint was for a device engineered to fit on the CSS-2 missile, i.e the same type sold to Saudi Arabia.
Because of this circumstantial evidence, allegations of a Saudi-Pakistani nuclear deal started to circulate even in the 1990s, but were denied by Saudi officials.
They noted that their country had signed the Non-Proliferation Treaty, and called for a nuclear-free Middle East, pointing to Israel's possession of such weapons.
The fact that handing over atom bombs to a foreign government could create huge political difficulties for Pakistan, not least with the World Bank and other donors, added to scepticism about those early claims.

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Simon Henderson
The Saudis speak about Iran and nuclear matters very seriously. They don't bluff on this issue”
Simon HendersonDirector of Global Gulf and Energy Policy Program, Washington Institute
In Eating the Grass, his semi-official history of the Pakistani nuclear program, Major General Feroz Hassan Khan wrote that Prince Sultan's visits to Pakistan's atomic labs were not proof of an agreement between the two countries. But he acknowledged, "Saudi Arabia provided generous financial support to Pakistan that enabled the nuclear program to continue."
Whatever understandings did or did not exist between the two countries in the 1990s, it was around 2003 that the kingdom started serious strategic thinking about its changing security environment and the prospect of nuclear proliferation.
A paper leaked that year by senior Saudi officials mapped out three possible responses - to acquire their own nuclear weapons, to enter into an arrangement with another nuclear power to protect the kingdom, or to rely on the establishment of a nuclear-free zone in the Middle East.
It was around the same time, following the US invasion of Iraq, that serious strains in the US/Saudi relationship began to show themselves, says Gary Samore.
The Saudis resented the removal of Saddam Hussein, had long been unhappy about US policy on Israel, and were growing increasingly concerned about the Iranian nuclear program.
In the years that followed, diplomatic chatter about Saudi-Pakistani nuclear cooperation began to increase.
In 2007, the US mission in Riyadh noted they were being asked questions by Pakistani diplomats about US knowledge of "Saudi-Pakistani nuclear cooperation".
The unnamed Pakistanis opined that "it is logical for the Saudis to step in as the physical 'protector'" of the Arab world by seeking nuclear weapons, according to one of the State Department cables posted by Wikileaks.
By the end of that decade Saudi princes and officials were giving explicit warnings of their intention to acquire nuclear weapons if Iran did.
Having warned the Americans in private for years, last year Saudi officials in Riyadh escalated it to a public warning, telling a journalist from the Times "it would be completely unacceptable to have Iran with a nuclear capability and not the kingdom".
But were these statements bluster, aimed at forcing a stronger US line on Iran, or were they evidence of a deliberate, long-term plan for a Saudi bomb? Both, is the answer I have received from former key officials.
One senior Pakistani, speaking on background terms, confirmed the broad nature of the deal - probably unwritten - his country had reached with the kingdom and asked rhetorically "what did we think the Saudis were giving us all that money for? It wasn't charity."
Another, a one-time intelligence officer from the same country, said he believed "the Pakistanis certainly maintain a certain number of warheads on the basis that if the Saudis were to ask for them at any given time they would immediately be transferred."
As for the seriousness of the Saudi threat to make good on the deal, Simon Henderson, Director of the Global Gulf and Energy Policy Program at the Washington Institute for Near East Policy, told BBC Newsnight "the Saudis speak about Iran and nuclear matters very seriously. They don't bluff on this issue."
Talking to many serving and former officials about this over the past few months, the only real debate I have found is about how exactly the Saudi Arabians would redeem the bargain with Pakistan.
Some think it is a cash-and-carry deal for warheads, the first of those options sketched out by the Saudis back in 2003; others that it is the second, an arrangement under which Pakistani nuclear forces could be deployed in the kingdom.
Gary Samore, considering these questions at the centre of the US intelligence and policy web, at the White House until earlier this year, thinks that what he calls, "the Nato model", is more likely.
However ,"I think just giving Saudi Arabia a handful of nuclear weapons would be a very provocative action", says Gary Samore.
He adds: "I've always thought it was much more likely - the most likely option if Pakistan were to honour any agreement would be for be for Pakistan to send its own forces, its own troops armed with nuclear weapons and with delivery systems to be deployed in Saudi Arabia".
This would give a big political advantage to Pakistan since it would allow them to deny that they had simply handed over the weapons, but implies a dual key system in which they would need to agree in order for 'Saudi Arabian' "nukes" to be launched.
Others I have spoken to think this is not credible, since Saudi Arabia, which regards itself as the leader of the broader Sunni Islamic 'ummah' or community, would want complete control of its nuclear deterrent, particularly at this time of worsening sectarian confrontation with Shia Iran.
Map of Saudi Arabia
And it is Israeli information - that Saudi Arabia is now ready to take delivery of finished warheads for its long-range missiles - that informs some recent US and Nato intelligence reporting. Israel of course shares Saudi Arabia's motive in wanting to worry the US into containing Iran.
Amos Yadlin declined to be interviewed for our BBC Newsnight report, but told me by email that "unlike other potential regional threats, the Saudi one is very credible and imminent."
Even if this view is accurate there are many good reasons for Saudi Arabia to leave its nuclear warheads in Pakistan for the time being.
Doing so allows the kingdom to deny there are any on its soil. It avoids challenging Iran to cross the nuclear threshold in response, and it insulates Pakistan from the international opprobrium of being seen to operate an atomic cash-and-carry.
These assumptions though may not be safe for much longer. The US diplomatic thaw with Iran has touched deep insecurities in Riyadh, which fears that any deal to constrain the Islamic republic's nuclear program would be ineffective.
Earlier this month the Saudi intelligence chief and former ambassador to Washington Prince Bandar announced that the kingdom would be distancing itself more from the US.
While investigating this, I have heard rumours on the diplomatic grapevine, that Pakistan has recently actually delivered Shaheen mobile ballistic missiles to Saudi Arabia, minus warheads.
These reports, still unconfirmed, would suggest an ability to deploy nuclear weapons in the kingdom, and mount them on an effective, modern, missile system more quickly than some analysts had previously imagined.
In Egypt, Saudi Arabia showed itself ready to step in with large-scale backing following the military overthrow of President Mohammed Morsi's government.
There is a message here for Pakistan, of Riyadh being ready to replace US military assistance or World Bank loans, if standing with Saudi Arabia causes a country to lose them.
Newsnight contacted both the Pakistani and Saudi governments. The Pakistan Foreign Ministry has described our story as "speculative, mischievous and baseless".
It adds: "Pakistan is a responsible nuclear weapon state with robust command and control structures and comprehensive export controls."
The Saudi embassy in London has also issued a statement pointing out that the Kingdom is a signatory to the Non-Proliferation Treaty and has worked for a nuclear free Middle East.
But it also points out that the UN's "failure to make the Middle East a nuclear free zone is one of the reasons the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia rejected the offer of a seat on the UN Security Council".
It says the Saudi Foreign Minister has stressed that this lack of international action "has put the region under the threat of a time bomb that cannot easily be defused by manoeuvring around it".
Watch more from Mark Urban on Saudi Arabia on Newsnight on Wednesday 6 November 2013 at 2230 on BBC Two, and then afterwards on the BBC iPlayer and Newsnight website.