
Tuesday, November 13, 2012


"It is regrettable and Third manipulation of the media that are sold to the highest bidder with pseudo journalists paid to show your sweetheart red siempr but oiled billet enjoyed messing with their moral and professional ethics ... are obviously a Azco and emetics that poison constantly a society without question, prove most radishes, caviar, or tomatoes for the co value of its flag, but are any other shit, know they are not mutants rampant corruption of unscrupulous idiosyncrasies, they spend pushing their own agenda on public opinion taking advantage of collective ignorance and lack of personal discretion a very poor will improve or do the right thing in a country that needs it so much but in his eagerness to establish a vulnamerabilidad figuretismo in the thinking of the masses without hesitation, we are in a constant creation of a bastard propagandistic style communist Cuba or Nazi Germany or post war Russia who sought to subject the masses and is vergonsoso subliminally that let people disrespect that way, so I'm not surprised that we developed countries labeled as "banana republics" very unfortunate vergonsoso and "sorry for optimism but I will buitrear. Like · Rodrigo Franco Seoane Always seems to be playing the theme Fujimori terrorists must have equal treatment is that the situation is as inseparable. But who attacked the country and society? there seems to be interest costante to confuse the meaning and focus of who is the aggressor in a democracy, a people. a nation? not compare with sweet potatoes. The product Fujimori was caused by an ideology generated Monster invasive and prevailing in the wars of the last century and predecessor ---- COMMUNISM not lose the compass it, do that when they (the terrucos) who were those who murdered whole nation with 70,000 or more victims to establish their ideological principles and imperialist terror pillaged the country and began a massive attack without mercy to people, law and order, institutions, infrastructure and the entire country that generated the misfortune around the UK that is still in force and live the insatiable attack our people, yet are the thousands of cadavers of their victims, and are still killing in cold blood what should we be contemplattivos with murderers and torturers of an entire generation and their families should be ungrateful to those who protect us? Apart from the crimes, errors, and causalities Peru is under attack by a foreign power should not be nahive ... I bet that if I had the death penalty as there is in First World countries and had in Peru would end the problem. Why be soft with no respect for life? Or that this ideology is invasive and penetrate the minds of all Peruvians

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