Comet ISON is headed for a very, very hot date with the Sun. At roughly 18:37 UTC today (1:37 p.m. EST) it will be at perihelion, its closest approach to the Sun, broiling away just 1.1 million kilometers (700,000 miles) above the star’s surface.
At the same time, starting at 18:00 UTC, there will be a NASA live video chat on Google+ with several scientists, including me (I will be there at 18:30) talking about ISON, comets, and what we can expect from this event. If you have a Google+ account you can watch it there, or I have embedded the live YouTube video feed below.
If you want to ask questions, you can submit them via Twitter using the #askNASAor #ISON hashtags.
I’ve already written about ISON several times, so if you’d like more info I suggest checking the links below, and the links therein for that matter.
My blog:
Other sources: