
Friday, April 18, 2014


Paracas is considered an "airport" ornithological goings of hundreds of varieties from Alaska to Patagonia bound. Besides landscapes, rock formations, sea birds, surrounding islands, marine life, flora and fauna. A summary of its splendor is described by the famous American biologist Jim Fowler: "... It is the only peninsula on the coast of Peru and possibly Pacific which bathes the Humboldt current leading to a rich wildlife, sea lions, flamingos and condors. It is one of the places in the world with a salty desert by the sea posing an extraordinary population makes a living desert. "
This latest episode in a long list of events that occurred flashpoints in this admirable ecological jewel, for several decades, which have been related to the ongoing confrontation between the conservation of natural sites and the excessive eagerness to favor elites makes adds. Let's do a little history.
The presence of the Port San Martín (Punta smelt), so far as truckloads of sulfuric acid through the reserve, prevented finalize the proposal of the prestigious British biologist Ian Grimwood national shrine to declare the peninsula. Activity that warrants a permanent risk to the fragile ecosystem.
Meanwhile, the "El Niño" (1983) produced an overabundance of scallops and, consequently, the government, through the Ministry of Fisheries-benefited business groups with unlimited exploitation of this wealth for Hydrobiological markets world. With the official protection and the complicit silence of many "environmentalists" undercover private entities, began one of the most objectionable junctures in the history of this natural haven.
In disorders of this activity, which is spread over several lifting two springs, funded by the Inter-American Development Bank (1985), and Laguna Grande Lagunilla to favor illegal loggers shell-years joined range. These events counted with the support of Minister Ismael Benavides Ferreyros, whom his uncle, Felipe Benavides Barreda remembered conservationist, reported it calling it "Abimael Benavides: terrorist nature."
This occurrence only be beaten with the "gold rush" in California (1849). Between 1983 and 1987, as the dissolved Institute for Foreign Trade (ICE), generated $ 74 million by trading this resource, but settlements were also established and installed 5,000 fishermen, 700 boats and 800 divers, causing incalculable disorders. No missing senators, congressmen, mayors and friends of the ruling parties who were involved in these sordid actions, as Alberto Galen Tapia (AP) and Agustín Mantilla (PAP), the latter specifically stated in the report of the Investigation Committee on the Removal Scallop of Paracas Bay in the Chamber of Deputies (1987).
The responsibility for these incidents also extends to their municipal representatives. The mayor of the district of Paracas, Luis Avalos Baca (PAP) in 1988 authorized the installation in the Bay of artificial fattening center scallop Tidecrest Society SA This property is located in the containment area of ​​the reserve. But that's not all. The intended use of bentonite (1982), promoted by the Ministry of Industry, Tourism and Integration Persivale Roberto Serrano (PPC) - the issue of domestic and industrial wastes in the Bay of Paracas and uncontrolled tourism are some of the evils that have hurt it unequaled environment ornithological and scenic significance.
During the administration of Alejandro Toledo Manrique construction of the fractionation plant Camisea Pluspetrol Peru Corporation SA was approved (2004) in an area close to the buffer zone of the reserve area. The Constitutional Court ruled that the building "is not some threat to the environment." Furthermore, the mandate of Alan García Pérez was intended to seat a petro-chemical complex near this beautiful place (2009).
At the same time, several faint ex-compromised state bureaucrats with these events when exercising functions in the public sector and whose habitual behavior fear, apathy and, indeed, exhibit ephemeral loyalties-up controversial "green" organizations that have avoided assume an illuminating position on these serious problems.
Currently, we see in the media "analysts" who, until recently, chaired environmental organizations challenged and never criticized the authors of the damage to Paracas. However, elaborate "studies and consulting" for substantial external financing. Unscrupulous people who have transformed the nature conservation in monetary mechanism "sustainability."
The facts revealed in recent days demonstrates the contradictory actions of a mayor authority interprets laws at will or motivated by vested interest. Clearly intended to protect an improper decision from a legal and environmental perspective.
Furthermore, those responsible for management of the reserve, to events perpetrated, should conclude with stakeholders jurisdiction-and within the guidelines of the Master-in order to work for their sustainable use and Plan of thereby contribute to economic and social progress in the region. Promote eco-and cultural tourism, usufruct of the pre-Inca Paracas culture remains, is an interesting choice.
It is important that the National Service of Protected Natural Areas by the State (Sernanp) have more support in order to facilitate meeting their responsibilities. Suggest strengthening the institutional and regulatory framework that caution natural areas. It is an issue that demands political will.

In this regard, I agree with the statement by Patricia Majluf and Ernesto Ráez, leading researchers of the Centre for Environmental Sustainability at Cayetano Heredia University: "... Renewable natural resources and ecosystem services are essential components for economic growth, development and welfare of the population. "

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