
Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Legado Hugo Chávez de Conflictos y Propaganda

Lo que la muerte de Chávez significa para Venezuela y los EE.UU.

Desde la muerte de Hugo Chávez, se anunció una guerra de palabras se ha desatado en Venezuela como en el extranjero por el control de la definición de su legado. Era un matón Chávez autoritario? ¿Era un representante audaz y auténtico del mundo ha explotado y oprimido? ¿Era un violador de los derechos humanos o un defensor de los derechos humanos? Un campeón de los oprimidos o un matón? Dependiendo de lo que lee o donde usted está en sintonía, fue una de esas cosas o lo contrario, y de vez en cuando él estaba a varios a la vez. El debate se desencadenará durante años y millones de dólares se gastarán en los ejercicios hagiográficas o en los esfuerzos para demonizar al hombre. Una cosa, sin embargo, puede ser acordado desde el principio del conflicto y la confrontación fue el factor determinante de la existencia política de Hugo Chávez y también será su legado.

Chávez irrumpió en la escena política venezolana en 1992 cuando trató de derrocar al gobierno democráticamente electo de Carlos Andrés Pérez, un líder socialista amado por los gustos de Fidel Castro, Francois Mitterrand, González y Felipe de España. La trama para matar a Chávez fue presidente Pérez y su familia y luego la sociedad venezolana sujeto a una limpieza completa con las listas de proscripción sentenciar enemigos del Estado a muerte por diversos delitos no especificados. Chávez fracasó, pero después de un breve paso por la cárcel que cambió su uniforme militar por un traje y explotó en la escena electoral, ganar las elecciones presidenciales de 1998 en un deslizamiento de tierra.

Los historiadores y pseudo-historiadores favorables a Chávez han pasado la mayor parte de sus 14 años de gobierno asegurar los intelectuales del mundo que, a nivel nacional, Chávez encarna el espíritu y la lucha de una población olvidada de clase baja de Venezuela, que fue ignorado en un duopolio de 50 años que nunca compartió la riqueza petrolera de Venezuela. Han utilizado todas las métricas a su disposición para afirmar que, en general, Chávez ha sido un importante paso adelante en el desarrollo de Venezuela. Más allá de Venezuela, sus defensores se deleitan en la forma en que fue una voz traviesa y atrevida contra lo que ven como una división Norte-Sur, que Chávez se enfrentó a los Estados Unidos en nombre de los pobres del mundo y los oprimidos.

El punto de vista alternativo, brevemente resumido, es que Chávez era un narcisista hambriento de poder autoritario, que presidió una empresa criminal corrupto que él llamó un gobierno. Este punto de vista sostiene que Chávez divide a Venezuela en dos facciones en guerra, mientras él y sus compinches saquearon la riqueza petrolera del país y se embarcó en distracción ejercicios de política exterior que agrupados Venezuela en las relaciones problemáticas y comprensivo con las dictaduras de Siria, Irán, Irak, Rusia, Corea del Norte , Zimbabwe y Bielorrusia. Tristemente, hay menos elocuentes críticos y honestos de Chávez que los que hay aduladores deshonestos.

La lucha de relaciones públicas a través de Chávez no es nueva, pero este período será su punto álgido. Los partidarios de Chávez, tanto dentro como fuera de Venezuela son conscientes de que el tiempo que puede convencer a la opinión pública mundial de que todo lo que precedió a Chávez, fue terrible, o por lo menos tan malo, entonces puede tenerse en cuenta por las faltas o delitos de su gobierno.

Greg Grandin, profesor de historia en la Universidad de Nueva York, escribe en The Nation: "Cualquier otro pecado que Chávez fue acusado de cometer-gobernar sin rendición de cuentas, marginar a la oposición, el nombramiento de los partidarios partidistas al poder judicial, dominando los sindicatos, las organizaciones profesionales y la sociedad civil sociedad, la corrupción y el uso de los ingresos del petróleo para dispensar el clientelismo floreció en un sistema de los Estados Unidos presentado como ejemplar. "En otras palabras, los gobiernos anteriores eran espantosas. Hay algo de verdad en lo que dice Grandin. Es por eso que los venezolanos consultados en la década de 1990 a favor de un golpe de Estado ilegal y anhelaba un hombre fuerte. Chávez estaba feliz de hacerlo.

Sin embargo, un modificador importante que Grandin y otros partidarios de Chávez como Miguel Pomona Tinker-Salas, y Jorge Drexel Ciccariello-Maher, optar por no destacar es la envergadura de los pecados de Chávez.

Pre-Chávez gobiernos democráticos de Venezuela estaba muy descuidada, ineficiente y corrupto. Sin embargo, hubo plazo de límites: los presidentes sólo pueden servir un término y tendría que esperar una década fuera de la oficina antes de buscar la reelección. Gobierno incluyó controles y balances hasta el punto de que Carlos Andrés Pérez (quien intentó asesinar a Chávez) fue destituido por corrupción en 1993. Nombramientos judiciales se hicieron previamente por las facciones de diversos partidos políticos bajo-a diferencia de Chávez, que, en primer lugar, se apilan el Tribunal Supremo y, a continuación, personalmente lanzó jueces que discreparon con él en la cárcel (la más prominente, una jueza, alegó que ella era violada allí). Crítica de televisión y estaciones de radio no fueron cerradas y los sindicatos de trabajadores marcharon y fueron capaces de lograr sin ir a la cárcel durante el régimen anterior. Bajo Chávez, la persecución de los dirigentes sindicales era frecuente.

Tanto la política monetaria y la riqueza del petróleo recaudados por el gobierno central ha sido históricamente objeto de auditorías y supervisión del Congreso de un cuerpo bicameral. Bajo Chávez, nada de lo anterior se le permitió. Rendición de cuentas se convirtió en inexistente. En 2012, Transparencia Internacional declaró a Venezuela el país más corrupto de América. Desde esta perspectiva, los residuos debido a la mala gestión de la economía y el robo a las arcas del gobierno durante 14 años de gobierno de Chávez supera con creces los males económicos de acuerdo con todos los gobiernos de Venezuela durante el siglo XX. Combinado.

Completando la lista de los excesos de Chávez, especialmente los que contrastan fuertemente con los gobiernos que le precedieron, sería un ejercicio que podría llenar varias enciclopedias. Desafortunadamente, no existe una institución o equipo de relaciones públicas que presten un contador a la confrontación aparato Chávez, cuyo punto de hablar bisagras en la re-escritura de la historia venezolana y haciendo hincapié en que si el proyecto falla, entonces Chávez Venezuela sería una regresión a un pasado inimaginable.

A lo largo del siglo 20, era una práctica común entre los propagandistas y apologistas de ambos dictadores de izquierda y de derecha de utilizar este enfoque maniqueo que apunta a chivos expiatorios de un pasado inimaginable que allanaría el camino para reescribir la historia. Afortunadamente, más allá de las paredes de una dictadura, y especialmente después de que se desmoronan, la historia tiende a poner propaganda en el lugar al que pertenecen.

Irónicamente, las voces más elocuentes en la exposición de Chávez han venido de aquellos que, en un principio, parecía darle el beneficio de la duda. Los dos mejores ejemplos son Brian A. Nelson, autor de El silencio y el escorpión: el golpe contra Chávez y el Making of Modern Venezuela, que fue nombrado uno de los "Libros del Año" 2009 por la revista The Economist, y Carroll Rory, corresponsal de The Guardian anterior en Venezuela y autor del Comandante: Venezuela Hugo Chávez. Tanto la investigación de estos autores los llevó a conclusiones que contradicen sus propias posiciones ideológicas, sino por ser intelectuales honestos, ellos fueron capaces de informar con precisión sobre algunos de los episodios más politizados de la historia reciente de América Latina. Para algunos en la izquierda, podrían seguir siendo meros tránsfugas a sus raíces políticas e ideológicas. Sin embargo, esta es precisamente la clave del conflicto sobre el legado de Chávez, no es acerca de la evidencia empírica, se trata de política y poder.

Que los derechos humanos y la democracia liberal tuvo un mal momento bajo Chávez no admite dudas al observador razonable. Y aún queda por ver si después de su muerte, la situación mejorará o se deslizan más hacia el autoritarismo. ¿Qué se puede contar sin duda es en que hacks partidistas seguirá participando en la defensa del acelerador completo de El Comandante, la verdad sea condenado.

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Ollanta Humala y Jose Mujica no asisten a la ceremonia del Papa

El presidente de Uruguay, José Mujica, y el presidente del Perú Ollanta Humala se abstuvieron de asistir hoy al Vaticano a la ceremonia de entronización del Papa Francisco porque el primero es ateo, explicó hoy su esposa, Lucía Topolansky. Humala envió a su canciller Roncagiolo y no asistió pero si estuvo en Cuba para ver por ultima vez a su amigo el Fascista socialista Hugo Chavez quien recientemente falleció, pareciera que estaba cansado de tanto viaje y tanto luto ocasionado por su reciente viaje a Venezuela de tres días en donde forzó al congreso peruano y a todo el país entrar en luto por la muerte de su gran amigo y mentor Hugo Chavez.

La también senadora dijo en una entrevista radial que como ninguno de los dos profesa religión alguna, decidieron que lo más conveniente es que viajara el vicepresidente Danilo Astori, quien sí es católico.
"Uruguay es un país absolutamente laico, la Iglesia está separada del Estado desde el siglo pasado, en eso tiene un diferencial con el resto de Latinoamérica”, señaló.
La primera dama uruguaya aclaró que tienen “un gran respeto” hacia las religiones, ya que en Uruguay “hay libertad de culto, pero nosotros dos no somos creyentes”.
Topolansky mencionó que su país no vivió la designación papal del argentino Jorge Bergoglio “como algo central de la sociedad, esa es la verdad”, aunque reconoció que a nivel internacional la noticia sí tiene trascendencia.
"Que el Papa sea rioplatense es bueno. Como las cosas tienen siempre su lectura política, es una novedad que sea latinoamericano. Yo felicito a los católicos y en especial a los argentinos por este nombramiento”, dijo.
Más allá de sus creencias personales, la esposa del presidente Mujica deseó que al nuevo Papa “le vaya muy bien porque las religiones tienen su peso, generan esperanza”.
También celebró que durante su reunión con la presidenta de Argentina, Cristina Fernández de Kirchner, el Papa se haya referido a América Latina como “la patria grande”, lema de una izquierda tradicionalmente alejada de las jerarquías católicas.


What will I gain from this exercise in democracy OF revocation Very much first send a clear message to the political class of Peru: 

We're tired of the corruption of politicians incapable, inept, lazy, of the radical left, the radical right, they work for us, the elector, the tax payer, and we are aware of their performance, all contributors want to send a clear message to the public administrator, if they do not work for the benefit of all, not only for the poor or the rich it must be addressed, of which Peru and Lima is a mess, you need order, administrative, projection for at least a 20 years on, that the strength and order should work or we fuck us all, we do not want COMMUNISTS vulneraviridad advantage of the ignorant, the poor, and the mass to take advantage of the situation and paralyze a country to implement its project Machiavellian power, and that at some point if we unite the citizens of Peru can form the political destiny of the country if the shit us out, democratically exercising our constitutional right to vote, and finally the left and radicals should chasten and stop pretending that the Peruvian people suffer from amnesia, that the deaths of more than 70,000 Peruvians will be forgotten with impunity, and the destruction of a country and its economy and ideological poisoning of three or four generations may never hide with cojudeces media indoctrination and brain the same company that the bill be charged more than the great majority of Peruvians are demonstrating that neither idiots nor suffer from amnesia or that are so morons for Marxists, Communists, Trotskyists, Maosistas, Leninist, fascist nor Chavistas will come with tales and absurd rhetorical for cojudearnos and turn them into zombies.
The message is clear:
Learn that politicians and public officials that if they do not work and do not meet the expectations of the people that elected them and they fail and can fire them if they do not chose to remove them as happens in the real world, in any company if you do not work if you do not function, you are not indispensable, there is a queue of people probably more capable and better than you can do work not contemplated in sympathy with the country's backwardness


¿Que se gano con este ejercicio de democracia revocatoria?  Muchísimo  primero a enviarle un mensaje tajante a la clase política del Perú: Estamos hartos de la corrupción  de los políticos incapaces, ineptos, vagos, de la izquierda radical, de que se tiren la plata de los contribuyentes hueveando y que no se hagan obras para el beneficio de todos, de que no solo los pobres deben de ser atendidos, de que el Perú y Lima es un caos, que se necesita orden, ejecución administrativa, proyección para por lo menos unos 20 años en adelante, que la fuerza y el orden debe funcionar o nos jodemos todos, que NO QUEREMOS COMUNISTAS aprovechándose de la vulneraviridad del ignorante , el pobre, y la masa para aprovecharse de la coyuntura y paralizar un país para implantar su proyecto maquiavelismo de poder, y que en algún momento si nos unimos los ciudadanos del Perú podemos formar el destino político del país si sacarnos la mierda, democraticamente ejerciendo nuestro derecho constitucional del voto, como ultimo la izquierda y los radicales deben de escarmentar y dejar de pretender que el pueblo peruano sufre de amnesia, que las muertes de mas de 70,000 peruanos pasaran al olvido impunemente, así como la destrucción de un país y su economía y el envenenamiento ideológico de tres o cuatro generaciones nunca se podrá esconder con cojudeces mediáticas y de endoctrinamiento cerebral por que la misma sociedad les cobrara la factura con creces son la gran mayoría de peruanos los que demostraran que ni son idiotas ni sufren de amnesia ni que son tan tarados para que los Marxistas, los comunistas, los Trosquistas, Maosistas, Leninistas, fascistas ni los Chavistas les vengan con cuentos y retoricas absurdas para cojudearnos y convertirlos en zombies. 
El mensaje es claro:
Que aprendan los políticos y funcionarios públicos que si no trabajan y no cumplen con las expectativas del pueblo que las elige y fracasan se les puede despedir así como se les eligió  si no cumplen se les quita al igual ocurre en el mundo real, en cualquier empresa, si no trabajas si no funcionas, no eres indispensable, hay una cola de gente probablemente mas capaz y mejor que tu que puede hacer el trabajo que no contempla en simpatías con el atraso del país.

Friday, March 15, 2013


Bidding has ended on this item.

1966 Replica/Kit Makes Kellison J5

RARE! 1966 Jim Kellison J5 Coupe factory chassis mustang II 9" Ford 454 4-speed

Have one to sell?Sell it yourself
Item Location:Fort Pierce, Florida, United States
Ended:Feb 20, 201318:17:57 PST
Bid history:13 bids
Winning bid:US $6,099.00
Payment:Deposit of US $1,000.00 within 48 hours of auction close. Full payment required within 3 days of auction close.
Shipping:Buyer responsible for vehicle pick-up or shipping.
Coverage:This vehicle is eligible for up to $50,000 in Vehicle Purchase Protection when your transaction is completed online through eBay.To qualify you must be the winning bidder on an auction or click the Buy It Now button directly on the eBay site.Restrictions Apply
(Not eligible for eBay Buyer Protection)
Seller info
mykopy 527Purple star icon for feedback score in between 500 to 999) 

94.7% Positive feedback

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Item number:111012698081
Item condition:Used
Sells to:Worldwide
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Seller assumes all responsibility for this listing.
Last updated on Feb 20, 2013 07:24:22 PST View all revisions
1966 Replica/Kit Makes Kellison J5
Vehicle Inspections
Order an inspection to learn more about this vehicle from an independent third party
Used: A vehicle is considered used if it has been registered and issued a title. Used vehicles have had at ... Read more
VIN:FLA18540 | See the full History Report
Make:Replica/Kit MakesNumber of Cylinders:8
Model:Kellison J5Transmission:4-speed manual
Trim:2-doorBody Type:Coupe
Engine:454 V8Vehicle Title:Clear
Drive Type:RWDFuel Type:Gasoline
 Here it is! One of the most desirable and hard to find specialty cars! This car was completed (It is titled as a 1966) and driven on a daily basis in the past but unfortunately the person that owned it before me decided to completely disassembled it and never finish it. I picked it up and did my best to give it the attention it deserves but present circumstances dictate its gotta be sold so someone else can finish her up the way they please. I will try to be as thorough as possible but if you have any questions that need answered please feel free to message me.
 When I received the car it was basically a basket case with no motor or transmission. The first order of business was to take the body off the frame and see what we had. The frame has been set up really well with a Mustang II front suspension, a 9" rear-end with a 4-link and coilovers. All of the body mounts, ball-joints, rack and pinion steering and everything else on the chassis is new with zero miles. The brakes are all new and all of the lines and hoses are ran as well. Next, I was looking for a small block for power but found a tight, great running 4-bolt 454 from a Suburban that had been taken care of and a deal was struck to put a torque monster of an engine in this 1900 lb car...hehehe. This is gonna be one WILD ride. After scouring the local internet ads I got lucky once again and found a B&W Super T10 4 speed transmission that was in a running, driving 1970 Camaro. The guy was parting out the car because he needed money and I was lucky enough to be at the right place at the right time. The transmission shifted fine, didn't make any funny noises or have any leaks plus its got a Hurst shifter! Before I mated the two pieces together I cleaned up the 454 checked the bottom bearings, put in a new oil pump and replaced the rear main just for good measure. After a coat of Chevy Orange I mounted all of the bolt on parts which are new (starter, alternator, water-pump, aluminum pulleys, finned aluminum valve covers...etc.) Plus, its got STAINLESS STEEL HEADERS...woo-hoo! The Edelbrock intake and carb are used but work just as well used as they do new. The carb will probably need a rebuild as its been sitting on a shelf for a couple years. As I said before the trans checked out fine so I bought a new clutch kit, BB flywheel and bolted the two together for a match made in heaven! In order to get around clutch linkage I converted it to a hydraulic clutch with a specialty bracket and common slave cylinder that will provide much better service than that clunky hardware ever did. Of course the motor and transmission mounts were replaced and checked accordingly. Every bolt I turned has been torqued to spec on the drive line! After the motor/trans were mounted up I realized the original drive shaft was about an inch too long so off to the machine shop to get all new U-joints, slip yoke and minor circumcision...ouch. After the surgery she fit perfect and now the drive-line is complete. I am so disappointed that I won't get to drive this beast!
  After the chassis was checked and double checked the body was put back in place (two of us this time) that was rough but we did it. All the body bolts and mounting pads were freshened up and put in place (as you'll see there are a bunch of them). The body was generally in very good shape considering the questionable restoration efforts of the previous owner. There were a few chips along the rockers and underneath the tail but that’s the beauty of fiberglass its easy to fix and looks good afterward. After all the major chips were taken care of I set about filling about the little pin-holes which were unearthed buy the afore mentioned owner when he stripped the car of its original paint. To make the process a bit easier to asses, I bought a gallon of "Slick-sand" primer/surfacer and gave her a nice coat of light gray so I could see just exactly how many pin holes there were...billions. But the good news is, they are now easy to see and fill with the glaze of your choice (How exciting is that?!). The floors/tub are in great condition with no rot or damage.
  Now, as I said this was a basket case and as such I have plenty of parts that go with this beauty. I will touch on a few of the benefits of these parts. The "original" door window regulators, frames and hardware are complete and were working when removed. These parts seem to be extremely rare. The glass has delaminated over the years but its just flat glass and you can use these for your patterns. I also have the rear quarter glass but again they have not aged well and will be best used as a pattern for new glass. The door latch mechanisms are still in the doors and work fine they just don’t have the handles, which are common enough. The steering wheel is original to the car as well, these were an option from the Kellison catalog. The steering column is in place and the linkage is all there. The original "roll-bar" is there. The headlights are included also but there is only one "bucket" my plan was to use the metal bucket to make a mold and fabricate a couple of new ones out of fiberglass. This works much better in my opinion because if you know about these cars they use vintage (see RUSTY) parts from a few other vehicles. The windshield wiper assembly and arms are also included (very rare). There is an accessory support bar that bolts to the frame just in front of the firewall, the reason its not bolted in is that it doesn't clear the new distributor. It needs to have a C-shape put in the middle to get around the cap. Other than that its just two bolts in and its done. Also included but needs no introduction: 4 speed pedal assembly, brake master cylinder, NEW 1967 Corvette radiator, NEW 57 Chevy fuel tank with sender, NEW set of Auto Meter gauges, Battery, Original rear view mirror and whatever else I can't remember.

  The major missing parts are for the most part easy to find and would have needed replaced anyway. Rubber weather seals, windshield (1951-52 Stude), rear window (1949 Buick), tail lights and turn signals are just standard 3" round units,  hood hinges (Triumph TR) the front grill is missing but there is a gentleman reproducing them for a reasonable price. I had planned on making one a bit more custom, a '57 Corvette grill looks like a perfect fit! Overall, this is one of the nicest starts to a vintage racing project your going to get. Its extremely clean chassis is worth the starting price alone!
  That’s all I can think of at this moment, if you have any serious interest or questions that cannot be answered easily through e-mail feel free to call me at 765-635-9435 anytime between 9:00 AM and 10:00 PM eastern time. I am open to buy it now offers but be warned: I am not exactly desperate and know what I have here. I have a reserve and if that reserve is not met I will simply keep working on the car and keep raising the price accordingly. I am listing as is considering someone may like to choose their own color and options to finish the car the way they like. As far as payment is concerned there is a non-refundable deposit of $1000 non negotiable. I will accept cash in person or any form of money order that my bank will accept no questions asked. Basically, if I got green in my hand before you leave with the car we are good. Don't show up on a weekend and expect me to take anything other than cash. Ultimately before you bid or buy I would encourage you to come see the car in person. I am available anytime.
Replica/Kit Makes : Kellison J5 2-door

Questions and answers about this item

 Q: Thanks for the extensive description of the car. I suppose originaly it has four drumbrakes. Are these stil on or are they changed for disk brakes? Kind Regards, Dominique
A: I am glad you asked, the rears are drum and the front brakes are disk. All of the calipers/rotors/pads etc. were replaced during the restoration and are in unused condition. Thanks, Mike
Feb 19, 2013 


1966 Replica/Kit Makes Kellison J5

RARE! 1966 Jim Kellison J5 Coupe factory chassis mustang II 9" Ford 454 4-speed

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Have one to sell?Sell it yourself

Item Location:
Fort Pierce, Florida, United States

Feb 10, 201318:26:57 PST

Bid history:

Starting bid:
US $10,000.00

Reserve not met

Deposit of US $1,000.00 within 48 hours of auction close. Full payment required within 3 days of auction close.

Buyer responsible for vehicle pick-up or shipping.

This vehicle is eligible for up to $50,000 in Vehicle Purchase Protection when your transaction is completed online through eBay.To qualify you must be the winning bidder on an auction or click the Buy It Now button directly on the eBay site.Restrictions Apply. 
(Not eligible for eBay Buyer Protection)

Seller info
mykopy ( 528Purple star icon for feedback score in between 500 to 999) 

100% Positive feedback

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Seller assumes all responsibility for this listing.
Last updated on Feb 10, 2013 06:51:07 PST View all revisions
1966 Replica/Kit Makes Kellison J5
Vehicle Inspections
Order an inspection to learn more about this vehicle from an independent third party
Used: A vehicle is considered used if it has been registered and issued a title. Used vehicles have had at ... Read more
Replica/Kit Makes
Number of Cylinders:
Kellison J5
4-speed manual
Body Type:
454 V8
Vehicle Title:
Drive Type:
Fuel Type:
 Here it is! One of the most desirable and hard to find specialty cars! This car was completed (It is titled as a 1966) and driven on a daily basis in the past but unfortunately the person that owned it before me decided to completely disassembled it and never finish it. I picked it up and did my best to give it the attention it deserves but present circumstances dictate its gotta be sold so someone else can finish her up the way they please. I will try to be as thorough as possible but if you have any questions that need answered please feel free to message me.
Just a reminder: In two days I have over 1000 views and almost 100 watchers on this auction. I understand the desire to bid at the last moment to get the jump on the "other guy" but keep in mind everyone is doing that. So, your first bid should be your best bid to be sure you get the car of your dreams. You don't want to miss out on this great opportunity because 50 people bid the exact same amount at the same time!
 When I received the car it was basically a basket case with no motor or transmission. The first order of business was to take the body off the frame and see what we had. The frame has been set up really well with a Mustang II front suspension, a 9" rear-end with a 4-link and coilovers. All of the body mounts, ball-joints, rack and pinion steering and everything else on the chassis is new with zero miles. The brakes are all new and all of the lines and hoses are ran as well. Next, I was looking for a small block for power but found a tight, great running 4-bolt 454 from a Suburban that had been taken care of and a deal was struck to put a torque monster of an engine in this 1900 lb car...hehehe. This is gonna be one WILD ride. After scouring the local internet ads I got lucky once again and found a B&W Super T10 4 speed transmission that was in a running, driving 1970 Camaro. The guy was parting out the car because he needed money and I was lucky enough to be at the right place at the right time. The transmission shifted fine, didn't make any funny noises or have any leaks plus its got a Hurst shifter! Before I mated the two pieces together I cleaned up the 454 checked the bottom bearings, put in a new oil pump and replaced the rear main just for good measure. After a coat of Chevy Orange I mounted all of the bolt on parts which are new (starter, alternator, water-pump, aluminum pulleys, finned aluminum valve covers...etc.) Plus, its got STAINLESS STEEL HEADERS...woo-hoo! The Edelbrock intake and carb are used but work just as well used as they do new. The carb will probably need a rebuild as its been sitting on a shelf for a couple years. As I said before the trans checked out fine so I bought a new clutch kit, BB flywheel and bolted the two together for a match made in heaven! In order to get around clutch linkage I converted it to a hydraulic clutch with a specialty bracket and common slave cylinder that will provide much better service than that clunky hardware ever did. Of course the motor and transmission mounts were replaced and checked accordingly. Every bolt I turned has been torqued to spec on the drive line! After the motor/trans were mounted up I realized the original drive shaft was about an inch too long so off to the machine shop to get all new U-joints, slip yoke and minor circumcision...ouch. After the surgery she fit perfect and now the drive-line is complete. I am so disappointed that I won't get to drive this beast!
  After the chassis was checked and double checked the body was put back in place (two of us this time) that was rough but we did it. All the body bolts and mounting pads were freshened up and put in place (as you'll see there are a bunch of them). The body was generally in very good shape considering the questionable restoration efforts of the previous owner. There were a few chips along the rockers and underneath the tail but that’s the beauty of fiberglass its easy to fix and looks good afterward. After all the major chips were taken care of I set about filling about the little pin-holes which were unearthed buy the afore mentioned owner when he stripped the car of its original paint. To make the process a bit easier to asses, I bought a gallon of "Slick-sand" primer/surfacer and gave her a nice coat of light gray so I could see just exactly how many pin holes there were...billions. But the good news is, they are now easy to see and fill with the glaze of your choice (How exciting is that?!). The floors/tub are in great condition with no rot or damage.
  Now, as I said this was a basket case and as such I have plenty of parts that go with this beauty. I will touch on a few of the benefits of these parts. The "original" door window regulators, frames and hardware are complete and were working when removed. These parts seem to be extremely rare. The glass has delaminated over the years but its just flat glass and you can use these for your patterns. I also have the rear quarter glass but again they have not aged well and will be best used as a pattern for new glass. The door latch mechanisms are still in the doors and work fine they just don’t have the handles, which are common enough. The steering wheel is original to the car as well, these were an option from the Kellison catalog. The steering column is in place and the linkage is all there. The original "roll-bar" is there. The headlights are included also but there is only one "bucket" my plan was to use the metal bucket to make a mold and fabricate a couple of new ones out of fiberglass. This works much better in my opinion because if you know about these cars they use vintage (see RUSTY) parts from a few other vehicles. The windshield wiper assembly and arms are also included (very rare). There is an accessory support bar that bolts to the frame just in front of the firewall, the reason its not bolted in is that it doesn't clear the new distributor. It needs to have a C-shape put in the middle to get around the cap. Other than that its just two bolts in and its done. Also included but needs no introduction: 4 speed pedal assembly, brake master cylinder, NEW 1967 Corvette radiator, NEW 57 Chevy fuel tank with sender, NEW set of Auto Meter gauges, Battery, Original rear view mirror and whatever else I can't remember.

  The major missing parts are for the most part easy to find and would have needed replaced anyway. Rubber weather seals, windshield (1951-52 Stude), rear window (1949 Buick), tail lights and turn signals are just standard 3" round units,  hood hinges (Triumph TR) the front grill is missing but there is a gentleman reproducing them for a reasonable price. I had planned on making one a bit more custom, a '57 Corvette grill looks like a perfect fit! Overall, this is one of the nicest starts to a vintage racing project your going to get. Its extremely clean chassis is worth the starting price alone!

  That’s all I can think of at this moment and I had better stop anyway because the more I think about it the more I want to keep her so, bid while you can! If you have any serious interest or questions that cannot be answered easily through e-mail feel free to call me at 765-635-9435 anytime between 9:00 AM and 10:00 PM eastern time. I am open to buy it now offers but be warned: I am not exactly desperate and know what I have here. I have a reserve and if that reserve is not met I will simply keep working on the car and keep raising the price accordingly. Worst case, I have to finish it and drive it, OH-NO! I am listing as is considering someone may like to choose their own color and options to finish the car the way they like. As far as payment is concerned there is a non-refundable deposit of $1000 non negotiable. I will accept cash in person or any form of money order that my bank will accept no questions asked. Basically, if I got green in my hand before you leave with the car we are good. Don't show up on a weekend and expect me to take anything other than cash. Ultimately before you bid or buy I would encourage you to come see the car in person. I am available anytime.

Von: RF <>
Gesendet: 14:46 Freitag, 1.März 2013
Betreff: [KELLISON CARS] New Kellison owner - question about windshield and rear window

Hi all,
I just purchased a 1966 Kellison J5 coupe and planning on restoring it.
The first thing i have to do is buy a windshield and rear window.
After doing research on the windshield it should be from a 51-52 Studebaker. The rear window should be from a 1949 Buick Sedanette.
I have called several places and found one that is asking $1025 for both the windshield and rear window together. To me that seems high.
Also, before i order can anybody here verify that these part numbers are correct.
The Windshield is a DW45 and the rear window is a DB16.
Also we live in NY. Does anybody know of a place in NY i can order these from and maybe i can save the shipping charge.
Thank you for your help.

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