After the crisis of " Montesinos operator " political conspiracy takes shape
information we have from a few days ago indicates that President Humala
has severely reduced their trips inside the country and ruled out any
trip abroad , for a report on his desk with several seals booked and
Secret Intelligence Directorate is located that
account for a series of movements of characters APRA, former president Alan García´s political party, has been hit by accusations in the parlament of corruption, the Megacomission finds him guilty of charge and wants to send the case to the judiciary commeetee and have him investigated for curruption and several other charges, his party which was a moderate left party in the past with some social and fascist ideologies in the 50´s today is a new ball game, they look more far right than anything else, the party has made allies and partners with big time corruption, including drug Lords, cartels, ,mafias, and different kinds of criminal organizations, the damage is done and it has being reflected in the caotic crime scene lately Peru´s its a victim of organized crime, all institutions have members of these criominals including the police who plans to riot today, with the far right and seeking contacts
with the police in order to probe the possibility of a strike against
the abuses that are supposed to be getting that will concatenate with an
explosion of lawlessness with looting and violence against public and private property, which seek to corral and weaken the government .The
decision to promote a coup that has been imagined in the memory of the
February 5, 1975 ( police strike and wave of looting and violence in
Lima, during the government of Velasco) , have been taken at the highest
level of management alana has been meeting with an intensity that was not known , over the past few weeks . The assessment is that the government has reached an isolation that makes it extremely vulnerable.Beyond
the strictly political level, the government has lost confidence in the
military , especially the Navy and the Army ( who are faced for control
of Joint Command and VRAEM ) , and of course in the various sectors of
the police , is fought with the judiciary ; keeps Castilla as the thread that still
binds him with the great company you are accumulating discontent , and
has against the most powerful media group business daily editorializes
for zamaquearlo from side to side .In
short, the government is seriously harassed from the right and the
powers , met two years since he fought with his left wing . At
that stage , the leadership of Alfonso Ugarte discussed what to do
about the imminent publication of the reports of the Megacomisión . Not
only you will get on the agenda the possibility to vote over a motion
for disqualification by constitutional violation , or has gathered
enough ammunition to several lawsuits . More important than that is the social censorship that comes and
virtual hostage situation that will be the Fujimori APRA to rely on his
vow not to be hung .In
this logic , the case López Meneses functions as a kind of trial
balloon up where you can create an artificial crisis to the government
and make him walk in the sense that their enemies imposed . Till
today the issue of operator that does put an excessive guard walks
orondo by military and police forces , and photographed with half the
world , no background elements beyond the game show who has spent more
related through time. But
if a trifle as this tomb minister, superasesor , an endless amount of
uniform, it raises a fight endlessly in Congress and banishes the new
prime minister , is to think the hypothesis of what would happen in a
crisis much more strong .The
sources we consulted further indicate that APRA has already begun
consultations with Fujimori and Toledistas apparently committed to
proceed with the cooling of all investigations into corruption and
achieve reconciliation of the political class . A Toledo is offering would be an honorable retirement from politics since Fujimori somehow DIROES output . A hug from corruption , no more no less.What could be the effect of playing a new February 5th ? It is unimaginable . It could from pushing a coup "stabilizing " , to creating a governance
crisis that forces claim early elections , to force the government to
surrender and enter the covenant of impunity in the name of " national
unity."For now, what is known is that Ollanta has reduced its hours of sleep and time with their children. Meanwhile the political climate of the country is thin . When the summer sun dawns , the clouds increase and rumors of political moves .
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