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Monday, November 12, 2012
Para los Opinologos Comunistas que están de moda y los "caviares que constantemente traicionan a la patria mediaticamente y en los puestos de poder:
Es patecico el circo formado y la falta de dignidad de algunos peruanos que no respetan al hombre que mano a mano con las fuerzas del orden y al lado del ejercito, la marina y la aviación combatieron la lacra del terrorismo, ta mare que tal venganza d...See More
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Manuel Mazzi, Victor Raul Villar Vilchez, Hildegard Hess Chichizola and 2 others like this.
Caroline Yezer · Friends with Javier Torres Seoane
guau....escuchaste que hizo la marina, el ejercito etc en Ayacucho? no puedo creer de donde tanto odio que te motivo generalizar que todos que devotan su tiempo a analizar los problemas de sociedad -- usualmente por MUY POCA PLATA como gano yo--- a ser igual, estupido y horrible. :(
Friday at 1:54pm · Like
Lobo Bielich los problemas de la sociedad no los va a resolver ni el comunismo totalitario ni el marxismo tropical...el Perú ha avanzado mucho y es gracias a "tontos útiles" que "estudian la problemática" pero que, sentados como están en sus torres de marfil, no entienden nada de nada ...acá nadie excusa las cosas que hizo la marina o el ejército en ayacucho pero nada de eso pasó con fujimori y sin embargo a él es al único presidente que se ha condenado por "delitos de lesa humanindad"...muchos, muchísimos más murieron en los gobiernos de belaúnde (el peor presidente de todos los tiempo pues nos legó a velasco y luego a alan) y garcía y sin embargo los "defensores de los derechos humanos" (léase comunistas fracasado que han agarrado otra teta de la cual mamar sin tener que trabajar un día en su miserables vidas) no se han digando encausar a ninguno de los dos...por qué? porque fue con fuji que los derrotaron, no sólo militarmente sino ideológicamente también...al chino todavía lo quieren en muchos pueblos de la sierra porque trajo la seguridad de vuelta...eso es lo que la izquierda ex-radical y ahora caviar, se la tiene jurada al chino...
Friday at 2:08pm · Unlike · 2
Lobo Bielich miss caroline yezer, please stay in cambridge, listen to "car talk" while the reruns last and stop aiding and abetting terrorism in a country that is not yours...
Friday at 2:10pm · Unlike · 2
Kary Griswold BIEN DICHO!!!!!!!!!!!
Friday at 2:14pm · Unlike · 1
Rodrigo Franco Seoane en toda guerra existen errores el que este librado de pecado que tire la primera piedra, también hay fuego cruzado y en el medio de la batalla miles de errores y también existen malos elementos creo que ya están pagandolo con su condena no? Ademas te parece justo que el Perú caiga al comunismo y retroceda cuando los mismísimos países que lo inventaron ahora son democracias y los que quedan capitalistas, no justifico las matanzas ni la guerra pero Sendero no es mas justificable que el Pol Pot, que el Jihad, que la ETA que el IRA que ningún movimiento terrorista cobarde las ideas se batallan con ideas, con soluciones no con muerte ni cobardía, o que tu crees que yo soy millonario y tengo una cara de galán? Tengo cicatrices y deformidades gracias al terrorismo. Por que luche por la Democracia. quede discapacitado por vida, o crees que tampoco yo no que no perdí amigos, parientes? Que te consideras el dueño de la verdad?Se que muchos sufrieron y sufren en el Perú al igual que todos nosotros pero el fin no justifica los medios y la guerra cobarde de aniquilamientos de guerrillas traidoras a la democracia y ala patria es justificable, o que acaso el gobierno se le ocurrió montar una excusa para eliminar a mas de 70,000 peruanos por favor no seamos inocentes tampoco, alguien apretó el gatillo primero y no fue el ejercito ni el gobierno fue Sendero y no te olvides de eso como muchos ahora sufren de amnesia colectiva, alguien formo la guerra de guerrillas, alguien destruyo la economía del país, la infraestructura, miles de mujeres y niños, gentes inocentes, jodieron al Perú y lo envió al abismo o es que ahora todos sufren de amnesia? La destrucion de una nación de un estado y su pueblo no es la solución para imponer ideologías obsoletas, caducas, inoperantes, utópicas. Las ideologías se combaten con ideas y se generan soluciones a los problemas para vivir mejor en esta burbuja global.
Friday at 2:17pm · Like
Rodrigo Franco Seoane Why don`t you go back to Ayacucho and find solutions for your peolple instead? It must be easy to trow a rock and hide the hand and later flee your own comrads"
Friday at 2:25pm · Like · 1
Caroline Yezer · Friends with Javier Torres Seoane
I do go back to ayacucho, and am looking for solutions and have pretty much devoted my life to that. You dont need to be a researcher to know that both the shining path and the military were equally bloody, its pretty common knowledge, but i'll post a link below. I dont know what comrads you are speaking of rod, but in case there is a miscommunication: not everyone who is liberal or left wing is a communist or shining path. You can read my articles if it helps you engage. Huk mundu posible miki.
Friday at 4:18pm · Like
Caroline Yezer · Friends with Javier Torres Seoane
Friday at 4:19pm · Like
Caroline Yezer · Friends with Javier Torres Seoane
i teach and write on human rights issues. I hope you will reconsider some of the history and read up on it the CVR was based on years of painstaking research....and its actually a good read.... Accusations of people being "commies" is no light matter in Peru, it can mean life or death so please be aware of how you are using those terms. The marina disappeared many in the village I work in for such accusations and the apologia de terrorismo law was reestablished during garcias term. heres another source on the use of namecalling as a way of killing the opposition during the 90s and early 2000 : http://muse.jhu.edu/login?auth=0&type=summary&url=/journals/latin_american_research_review/v041/41.3burt.pdf
Friday at 4:30pm · Like
Caroline Yezer · Friends with Javier Torres Seoane
para que no se repita -- here are photos of comuneras asking for justice after both SL and military massacres: http://www.paraquenoserepita.org.pe/pqnsr/
Friday at 4:32pm · Like
Kary Griswold Carolina Yezer....Have you ever lived in Peru?????...Where you living in Peru between 1982 and 1992????
Friday at 4:32pm · Like
Caroline Yezer · Friends with Javier Torres Seoane
Yeah ive lived in peru from 1998 to 2003 then go back every year for research. i learned quechua and lived for 2 years in a peasant village in huanta, ayacucho, where i did ethnographic research, and i go back there and to sivia, lima, churcampa and huamanga to continue my interviews on the war.
Friday at 4:34pm · Like
Caroline Yezer · Friends with Javier Torres Seoane
I've devoted mylife to the topic since 1998.
Friday at 4:34pm · Like
Caroline Yezer · Friends with Javier Torres Seoane
my interviewees are peasants who lived through the war. but you dont have to believe me, the truth commission did interviews in my region and throughout the country, we have war widows testimonies to what the marina did. rape, disappearances, etc. the worst was under belaunde. maybe the CVR needs to do better summaries about this, i was looking for one to put up other than that huge one i cite above, but i cannot find it. is this really news, tho, is the word not out yet where u r kary? its important to dialogue about this.
Friday at 4:36pm · Like
Caroline Yezer · Friends with Javier Torres Seoane
i've been in the village when the military does sweeps of the santillana area. its not pretty.
Friday at 4:38pm · Like
Caroline Yezer · Friends with Javier Torres Seoane
but things are MUCH better now. STILL people are very very scared.
Friday at 4:38pm · Like
Caroline Yezer · Friends with Javier Torres Seoane
of both sides, and for good reason.
Friday at 4:38pm · Like
Caroline Yezer · Friends with Javier Torres Seoane
Vietnam vets on state atrocity in Ayacucho.( ..not commies!)http://www.vvaw.org/veteran/article/?id=57
Friday at 4:46pm · Like
Lobo Bielich caroline, we know that there were crimes committed by the military...no one disputes that and we certainly do not need "well-intentioned" foreigners to tell us about them...however, i see nothing in your comments about sendero's atrocities...or did your interviewees not tell you about those? as far as "devoting your life to the topic" it sounds to me a little morbid, to say the least...specially when we are taking care f our problems w/o outside interference thank you very much...may i suggest you devot yourself to improving conditions here in the USA instead? perhaps you could interview, i don;t know, victims of domestic violence or intra-family rape in the appalachians? as for the "truth commission" the only trut in the name is the "comma" part...
Friday at 4:48pm · Like
Lobo Bielich btw, i don;t mean to be disrespectful toward the wonderful people of appalachia...it is just that since you like the mountains so much maybe the change of focus and efforts would not hit you so hard...
Friday at 4:50pm · Like
Caroline Yezer · Friends with Javier Torres Seoane
Lobo, if you can say that all in Quechua I'd take it more seriously! ;) I am responding to the post that clearly says that anyone not suporting the military in peru is a communist who should go back to cuba. IM very glad you know your history, and i thought it was insane that it was news to the other poster. While I applaud your critique of the poverty of the highlands and mistreatment of Appalachians in the US (well deserved critique!) I dont get the xenofobia. Human rights does not respect national lines. And, while I recognize if u r a peruvian, you are proud! Yet, in a country with a majority indigenous population, Bielich doesnt sound much like Quispe... it sounds more like its from where my llaqtamasi are from. MIght not the folks of ayacucho claim you are as much of an interloper as I? In fact, I have seen them do so. Obviously the convo should involve lots of folks, you,civil society, all researchers who have done fieldwork and historic, economic etc research, AND peasants too. They were a full 3/4 of the dead, people who spoke maternal quechua, so I'm not pulling these stats out of nothing, you can check if you dont believe. While I am sensible to the problems of intervention being imperialist, human rights are so weak in peru, it hardly seems neocolonial. In fact, much of the anti-human rights sentiment comes a smuch from US corporations with petrol interests than not. And, what wouldhappen in WWII if we said, "oh we cant find out if they are killing jews because we are not german and that would be imperialist" Im not trying to diss ya, i seriously want dialogue here, not to disrespect. :) NOW>.. I wish peru would send researchers to study problems in the US but until the ford foundation coughs up $$ for that it wont happen.
Friday at 5:12pm · Edited · Like
Caroline Yezer · Friends with Javier Torres Seoane
Rodrigo, i do owe you an apology, i shouldnt have posted so much on your post! I was just very shocked, and as your post and the comments were clearly directed at a category that Im included in, I felt that I did have to respond.
Friday at 5:01pm · Unlike · 1
Lobo Bielich caroline..the fact that i do not speak quechua, yiddish, armenian, croatian, serbian (yes, they were also executed indiscriminately) or khmer does not mean that i do not understand the atrocities committed against those people...as far as being an "interloper", the AMERICAS were and have been the lands were europeans came to escape their dire situations back home and make a better fture for themselves...if you want a history of how much my 1/16th of bielich ancestor, whose first and last name i bear proudly, contributed to Perú i can do so anytime you like...you would do well to reaize that while being born in a particular territory may GIVE you rights, working your ass off and contributing to the betterment of said territory EARNS you such rights...
Friday at 8:35pm · Unlike · 1
Lobo Bielich one more thing...i am not referring to "mistreatment" of appalachians..they are every bit as interlopers as you would have me and my family be...i was referring to what goes on within their, or any other, particular group within society...if you want to get into "injustice", "mistreatment" and/or "genocide" i invite you to choose...do you want to start looking at all the "treaties" which were violated/ignored or would you prefer to delve into the blankets and clothing carrying the smallpox virus which were distributed to the southwestern native americans? my point being that we all know better now and this should be the starting point...at the risk of sounding partisan (and this is one time i don't) we have to move forward...
Friday at 8:46pm · Unlike · 1
Rodrigo Franco Seoane Caroline sorry about not commenting on all your comments some motherfucker sent me a virus and I couldn't get back at you, let me ask you a question are you a commie? jajaja well I am not a Fascist and I will like to speack to you in Quechua Chupisimi manan kanchu supaita huahua, yes I know quechua I was born and raised in Peru, also do you wanna know a litle more about me? my blood is a mixture of types, I got jew, Irish, Cuzco Inca, German, Celtic watever I am a fucking mutt, my great great grandfather fought in many wars and died at the INGAVI battle, read on that. It was the battle where Peru was trying to recover its lands stolen by Bolivar, where he later named it after his name. My great great grandfather was Agustin Gamarra president of Peru twoo terms and he spread his blood and soul for my country as well as all my ancestors who have done the same. I just want you to know one more thing We will never let the comunist take over Peru I hope you don't get upset about this, we don't fear them, and sorry I couldn't read all your cut and paste stories beacause I am living my own, I really don't have much time to explain what peruvians are all about you will have to live there and get out of your confort zone.I would like to finish my reply by telling you that I am happy about people like you who seem to care for a better world, but I can tell you are not peruvian Peru has tons of problems and many existential for centuries and the only way to fix them is by helping hands on, not talking or trying to be smarter than others who problably are better and smarter than oneself, I wish you have a happy life and by the way I will never share or think like you or have the same political views or ideologies because I am me, sorry to be rude but I am fed up with this bullshit.
Friday at 11:14pm · Like
Carlos F. Illescas All of you are sooo naive...
Saturday at 1:17pm · Like
Rodrigo Franco Seoane what the fuck?
Saturday at 1:36pm · Like
Lobo Bielich dear caroline...please read this and concentrate more in solving the problems that exist in the US and let Peruvians, even those who have a non-quechua names, solve our own...btw...is yezer algonquin, lakota, navajo perhaps? anyhow, read this please...
Yesterday at 1:46pm · Like
Lobo Bielich http://www.larepublica.pe/11-11-2012/soras-la-estela-de-dolor-que-dejo-la-caravana-de-la-muerte-de-sendero
Yesterday at 1:46pm · Like
16 minutes ago · Like
Rodrigo Franco Seoane CAUSACHUM!!COMANDANTE!!!
16 minutes ago · Like
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