
Tuesday, December 2, 2014



The sea is the habitat and territory in which sea lions are bred and developed as part of our extraordinary marine fauna; facts that man seems to forget, in purpose of examining and prey fish resources in the most remote places, for which no qualms about attacking so precious mamíferos.OBSERVE AS THESE TWO IGNORANT heartless KILLED THIS BEAUTIFUL ANIMAL

   In developed countries they are protected for their important performance in the food chain, the reproduction of the species, intelligence and helpless friendship with humans, they are called Sea lions or sea lions for their mansedad and noble personality and noble character the species, these mammals are very smart and always remain in herds where the leader has his harem feminas and mothers to protect up on that resemble human the "Blue World" Civil Association has rejected even the outlandish proposal Luis Icochea, discredited professor at the University of Molina, José Cachique, an obscure fishing leader, through the social network of a discredited NGO, to implement the shows or systematic killing of sea lions, to reduce its population, knowing that they are human beings who violate their natural space, its marine prey species, depriving them of their essential nutrient.

Sea lions, which occupy large areas of habitats and ecosystems, carry a large predatory task, determining characteristics and lifestyles of many species, preserving health, regulating proper growth and reproduction, and encouraging the presence of suitable other predators; well that marine ecosystems are dynamic physical, chemical and biological processes that allow the transfer of nutrients and energy.

Belonging to the genus of seals, sea lion is a mammal with flippers and feet, plus ears; very charismatic and peaceful; where the male can measure about 3.50 mts., and weigh 300 kg .; against female reaches 2.50 meters. . and 160 kg, and its life span ranges between 18 and 24 years; being a skilled swimmer, pushing with their hind flippers and stopping with the above; feeding exclusively on fish, between 15-25 kg. per day. The killer whales are predators and enemies of sea lion attacking her cubs, the weak and sick, also becoming a natural balancer, and ensuring the perfection of the species. It is known that the decrease or abundance of wolves, behavior and health, are also clear indicators of changes in the marine environment.

The communities most representative in our coastal sea lions are found in rocky ravines, cliffs eroded caves with entrances to the marine environment, in places like El Callao, Paracas, Huarmey, which foster a growing tourism; ie are part of the food chain, balancing our marine wildlife, and also contribute to economic development. However, over-fishing, and killing birds and mammals, are dramatically affecting marine ecosystems, with the passivity of PRODUCE, and the excessive and criminal action mercantilist fanatics. The man then has become the main threat of the sea lion, our biodiversity, and even the survival of the planet, proving to be less civilized than the animals themselves.

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