
Thursday, March 19, 2015

Venezuela Maduro´s Cuba

por Rodrigo Franco Seoane

If Venezuela like Cuba were a threat to the US would´nt be both be missing from the map of the earth in less than a few minutes?, it´s been over 50 years the US has a base inside Cuba with the push of a button the two countries could disappear, therefore it is infamous to procastinate and think that a country like the USA who has fought many wars and battles to defend the free world and democracy and given away to the Lord their children (million Americans have died defending and helping other countries in America and Europe in wars since World war). Let´s not forget that USA helped liberate Europe from being a Nazzi nation in WWII and people who talk shit ingores this because they have an obscure agenda or are in a mission to spread subliminal messages agaisnt DEMOCRACY and them. What the hell is Maduro talking about getting invaded by the good old USA since even after twoo dictators who are bullying their people still is the best client of North America PEDEVESA a government petroleum company of Venezuela sells oil to America and in the southern US there are thousands of gas stations named "CITCO" that belong to the Venezuelan´s people and work and sell their oil and refined gasoline in the largest open market in the world THE USA
What the hell are you talking about Maduro? Are you still seen little birds talking to you?
Si Venezuela al igual que Cuba fuesen una amenaza para los EEUU estarían desaparecidos del mapa en menos de un minuto hace más de 50 años EEUU tiene una base adentro de Cuba con apretar un botón los dos países desaparecen, es de infames pensar que un país como EEUU quien ha luchado miles de batallas por defender las democracias del mundo y entregado a sus hijos(millones de Norteamericanos han muerto defendiendo y ayudando en guerras de otros países desde la primera guerra mundial). EEUU liberó a Europa de ser una nación Nazzi en la segunda guerra mundial y la gente que ingora habla pestes de ellos. EEUU es el mejor cliente de PEDEVESA osea de Venezuela, en el sur de los EEUU hay miles de grifos de una marca del gobierno Venezolano "CITCO" y trabajan y venden su petróleo y gasolinas refinadas en el mayor libre mercado del mundo
¿De qué habla Maduro? ¿Los pajaritos le siguen hablando?

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